A particularity of our department is realized as a branch of humanities science and it concentrates mainly on the fundamentals of business administration science. It is more theoretical than practical, although some sites of placement are considered during summer courses. The students will be in the classroom for five days per week, which allows them to study and explore several materials and business topics. Management department is in cooperation with various local and global companies that employ our students within their program.
Another particularity of our department is that our programs are far from sensitive subject matter and do not carry any risky activities.
The Department of Business Management aims at becoming the most regionally recognized field in Iraq and Middle East with a deep focus on excellence in teaching and research that provides interactive thinking to real business needs and motivates. Therefore it has the potential to make applicable contributions to the growing literature. The Department shall continuously attempt to meet the demands of its society, students, staff members and business community in Kurdistan Region and Iraq.
Moreover, our department tries to provide the best training for the students to become inventors, businessmen, leaders , entrepreneurs and small project owners and then participate in the processes of progress and development in our country.
The mission of the Department of Business Management Programs is to develop future business leaders who are skilled in the art of management in a global business environment. The department’ mission is to create and sustain an active academic environment in which learning and achievement simultaneously meet the needs of the University and society within which it operates. We recognize the urban nature of our student population and design programs to be delivered through non-traditional and technology-driven delivery systems. Through our undergraduate and graduate programs in Management, we provide skills that are useful in a marketplace.
This department includes practical and theoretical lessons.
The languages that are used in our department are Arabic and English based on the type of the module.
This department consists of four stages of the Bologna process. This department includes practical and theoretical lessons in college. Each of them consists of two semesters.